You, the petitioner
Eu solidarity

10% Salary reduction for all employees of European institutions

4 signatures

Considering the current intense economic crisis, a very clear signal from the European Union is required: a salary cut of 10% for all employees of its Institutions (such The European Commission, The European Central Bank, The European Investment bank, The European Patent Office, etc).



citizens of member states of the European Union.


establish that:

More measures increasing transparency and cost control the Institutions are needed and are essential for the proper functioning, confidence on and future of the European Union, which is fully funded by its citizens.


and request

  • A salary cut of 10% for all employees of all its Institutions.

  • As additional measure for transparency and cost control the European Union Institutions: a public database should be made available presenting the total salary costs over time, so that the citizens as well as The European Parliament can monitor costs and take the necessary measures in case of excessive increases.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Europees Parlement 
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Natalio Simon 

